Dedicated server and dedicated IP: Dedicated Server Dedicated Web Server = IP address, like any other electronic device that connects to the Internet, are identified by an Internet protocol (IP). Thus, every fax, computers, routers, printers, switches and has a different IP address. The IP address consists of four digits 1-3, which are in the range 0-255 and separated by dots. The IP address of a Web server is "dedicated", meaning that the server is always the same IP address. This situation is different from shared hosting, where Web sites that use the server share the same IP address. Managed Hosting Services provides a dedicated server and a manager dedicated to managing your system. This is a more expensive dedicated hosting, which are leased, while the server providing the operator of the server itself, which should resolve any problems that arise. Here is an example of the difference in cost. Dedicated, with up to 500 GB of space and 2,000 GB bandwidth ranges from $ 55 to $ 215 per month for hosting, select whether the account is paid within the year. Managed Hosting with the parameters of the capacity and bandwidth runs $ 99 to $ 260 per month if the account is paid within the year. There are several reasons why a dedicated server is the ideal situation. The first is capacity. If you need the entire server space for your business or businesses, a dedicated server is an obvious choice. The second is the bandwidth. In a dedicated server, no need to worry about what everyone is using the bandwidth is all yours. The third is the extensibility. Even if you are not using the server all, for now, but expansion plans may be preferable for you to have all businesses on a server (with redundant backup reliably), rather than divided into different servers. Another reason that could go to a dedicated server is the behavior of the neighbors on a shared server. It has been known to happen that respond to spam blockers misconduct by some users, blocking not only the users, but an IP address. If your online activities require the free and unlimited access to Web addresses, so free from the consequences of poor residents server options "may be enough to change to a dedicated server. Beyond the courage to deliver the dedicated server, there is also the value of the dedicated IP address to be considered. On one hand, those seeking a private Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) must have a dedicated IP address. And that comes with having a dedicated server. SSL Certificates an encryption system used for secure transmission of messages and are a cornerstone of electronic commerce, such as accepting credit cards and other sensitive information. If you are looking for less expensive dedicated servers, you should be careful in choosing the right specification and package. Things to consider are the operating system, data backup and monitoring service, hardware options, space, bandwidth and technical support. Ask your hosting provider to give you some websites for references, read hosting reviews before signing and make sure the price is affordable. We know that the dedicated servers on this site are what give you more reliability and flexibility for your money.
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