To be able to stream video from home, need not be a professional, but only a matter of following some simple guidelines that will take some time. Just follow the guidelines in this article, and I will explain the simple steps that will allow you to start playing your video (s). To embed a video (s) in one of their websites, the first task is to convert the initial video (s) in a display format based on the web called FLV (flash video) – This is the preferred format web design video. This special format that lets you "squeeze" their videos in a file size (so the result is not unmanageable when you upload files to your web server), maintaining high quality of the screen. Each time you want to stream video from home, this format allows for viewing digital movies streaming 'mode, means that every time that viewers click the play button you can start watching the movie (s) immediately and 'flow', instantly, and most importantly, there is absolutely no software downloads or installations required. Now that you understand this simple procedure, no doubt eager to know how we can actually do this, do not worry – you only need a specific (professional) program / utility that will do it for you. Must be able to convert the original file (s) FLV video with an integrated player, so all you have to do is send a new video for their web server, and paste a short code in the desired web page, and go! Now it is understood that for streaming video from home, without advanced computer skills are required just a matter of finding the right utility that allows you to start showing movies at any time, should be able to compress the video file until at least 10% of the original file, as well as provide professional video with a built-in Flash (FLV) Player.
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