Hosting With Wowza Dedicated Streaming Servers: Tailored for Uninterrupted Broadcasting

Fastest streaming output – The best feature of wowza servers is the faster streaming output than others. You will get the fastest output of the streaming. You get videos and audio in ultra-high quality with fast streaming. Therefore, the time taken for the buffering is lowered down. If you are a premium user having lots of data space on the server, you will get the fastest speeds of streaming.

• Multi-platform support – One prominent feature of this web server is the multi-platform support. This means that the web server is accessible from almost every device having internet connectivity. You can see, there are lots of devices that are being used by people nowadays. There are devices other than computers that have internet connectivity. The platforms of devices differ from each other. There are many platforms such as Android, Symbian, Palm OS and other proprietary platforms. The difference between these platforms is not only the basis of firmware, but there are different types of formats that are supported by the devices. Therefore, it is essential that the web servers must make their websites accessible from the devices. Wowza servers are present for almost every device having internet connectivity. This is the one biggest feature of the wowza hosting. There are darned few other web servers that offer this facility. You can get the exclusive media content from the server wherever you go. This way, the Wowza hosting, is ideal for publications on various platforms.

• The use of the high quality encoders – The feature that makes this web server different from the others is the use of the high-quality video encoders. This way, you get finest video and audio quality. There are various media formats that are supported by the web server. The main video extensions that are supported by the server are FLV, MOV, MP4 and M4V. The use of h.264 stream is available which offers the best experience for videos. The use of multi-bitrate (MBR) is done for audio files. The VOD or video-on-demand feature is also immensely powerful and adds more stars to the overall web server ratings than others.

wowza servers

Easy server configuration – The one main disadvantage of the web servers is the complexity while configuration. There are several problems that people face whiles the configuration of the servers. The hosts cannot be set up easily. You need to make lots of changes in the host file for getting the server work correct. There are some desktop applications provided by the web servers, which allow easy uploading of the contents. However, the applications are always a mess to deal with. But wowza hosting has made this task remarkably easy. Now, you have the desktop application for accessing your account of wowza directly. You will get the setup extremely easily. This is the one notable feature of the Wowza hosting that the configuration of the server is extremely easy. If you are new to the streaming setup, you have exclusive help available for you on the wowza website. There is a quick setup guide that will help you to establish the connections between the servers easily. You will get to know the configuration extremely easily. The information about the setup of the server can be found as “Wowza Media Server 2 Quick Start Guide”. This guide will help you cross the barriers of the server configuration easily. You can also download the “User Guide” that comes in PDF format. You have two options for that either you read the guide online or download it.

• The wowza forums – Forums are extremely helpful for getting solutions on various topics. The wowza forums are exclusively made for people so that they can interact with each other. If you are getting any problem with the wowza servers, you can post your queries in the forums. Lots of forums can be found on wowza website. You can use the forums for searching various forums posts to get information regarding wowza hosting. There are many news topics that can be found on the forums. You will be informed about the latest additions to the server and other related news. If you have answers of some questions posted by other users, you can reply them the answers too.

wowza hosting and red5 hosting

Hosting Marketers has started offering on all its hosting plans including hybrid servers wowza hosting. Wowza has the advantage of red5 that it can stream to Apple devices, iphones and iPads.

Stream Types

In Wowza Media Server 3, MediaStreams represent an incoming or outgoing stream of video, audio or metadata. Wowza Server provides a mechanism for defining custom server-side MediaStream implementations or stream types. These stream types are configured using the Streams/StreamType property in the Application.xml file. The following table lists the more commonly used stream types and their intended use (for a complete list, consult the User’s Guide):

  • default: Video on demand streaming of static Flash media, H.264/AAC and MP3 content
  • record: Video recording
  • live: Publish and play live video content (best for one-to-many streaming of live events)
  • live-lowlatency: Publish and play live video content (best for one-to-one or one-to-few video/audio chat applications)
  • live-record: Same as live plus content will be recorded
  • shoutcast: Audio re-streaming of a SHOUTcast/Icecast MP3 or AAC+ audio stream
  • shoutcast-record: Same as shoutcast plus content will be recorded
  • liverepeater-origin: Origin stream type used by live stream repeater to deliver a single streaming using origin/edge configuration
  • liverepeater-edge: Edge stream type used by live stream repeater to deliver a single stream using origin/edge configuration
  • rtp-live: Re-streaming of an RTSP/RTP, native RTP or MPEG-TS stream
  • rtp-live-record: Same as rtp-live plus content will be recorded


Supported Media

Wowza Media Server 3 supports the following media file formats: FLV (Flash Video), MP4 (QuickTime container) and MP3 content (see table below for common file extensions). To play video on demand content, the proper prefix must be prepended to the file name to create a stream name. For example to play the MP4 file use the stream name The following table lists the more common file type prefixes (for a complete list consult the User’s Guide):

  • flv: FLV (Flash Video – this is the default media type so the qualifier and the file extension can be omitted)

    Example: “flv:mycoolvideo.flv”

  • mp4: MP4 (QuickTime container – .mp4, .f4v, .mov, .m4v, .mp4a, .3gp, and .3g2)

    Example: “”

  • mp3: MP3 (.mp3)

    Example: “mp3:mycoolsong.mp3”

  • smil: SMIL (XML files used to configure multi-bitrate streams – .smil)

Please visit Wowza Hosting for more information.

How to Develop a Website For Your Business

An online presence has become an integral part of any business, no matter what field or niche they occupy. E-Commerce has skyrocketed exponentially since its inception, and there is no evidence that it will slow down anytime soon. Therefore, you will never achieve your full potential unless you have a website. Just having a website does not guarantee you instant success; in fact, it takes a lot of work and time before you start To those that have never developed a website before, the job can appear quite intimidating. Most people think that advanced design and programming skills are required for one to make their own website. While developing a website by hand from scratch is certainly an option that gives you complete control and freedom, it is not the only option. A variety of programs are available to assist you with constructing web pages, and they are easy to use even for non-tech savvy people. Of course, some time must be invested in learning how to use a program, but that is nothing compared to what it takes to learn actual coding knowledge. If you are not set on having a completely unique design, you can opt to use a template. Templates are already made designs that you just need to fill in with content. They are exportable and can be easily uploaded to a web server. With some programs, websites made from templates can be live in as little as six steps. For most online businesses, templates are acceptable. If you have special needs or are designing a website for a medium or large sized business, the custom approach should be taken. Not just any design will cut it for your business. It needs to be attractive and stimulating, so that visitors will stay and hopefully purchase something. Content needs to flow, meaning readers should be able to read pages in an organized manner. Visitors should not be jumping around from place to place in order to find what they are looking for. Menus should act as guides and take up as little space as possible. Ease of use is imperative to pleasing clients, so take care in removing any obstacles to navigation of your website. One of the most important things about your website is the color scheme. Colors define your business’s image and are critical in how customers view your company. With the wrong colors, you can make a negative impression, and many people may find your design bland and disengaging. The technology of color is more complex than most people believe. You need to consider a wide range of issues, including the fact that not all browsers share the same color palettes. When facing the decision of what color scheme to implement, it is best to consult an expert. If you simply need a website for the online presence, then stopping at one project is fine. To drastically increase sales, it is best to have a network of websites, all promoting your products or services. Websites which compliment your primary site are referred to as mini-sites, and having a good number of these kinds of sites can improve your reach and customer base. Do not get the wrong idea, though. Mini sites still need attention to detail and occasional upkeep, just not as much as your main website.

If you need high quality VPS Hosting or FFMpeg Hosting with a guaranteed high uptime look no further.

What Does Your Web Design Do For You

There are so many websites on the internet nowadays, so if you want a great website that stands out from the crowd, you are going to have to have brilliant web design incorporated into it. A website that is badly designed will be remembered for all the wrong reasons. If you want a website that is remembered for the right reasons, you are going to have to have a design that makes your website unique. Your web design is the first thing that people notice when they arrive at your website. If you have an untidy website with bad graphics and terrible navigation, you are going to lose your readers and viewers right from the start. That is why web design is important in the process of creating a successful website. Whether it is a personal website or one that you intend to use for business purposes, it needs to be well designed and well maintained. If you can grab the reader’s attention by graphics that are relevant and useful, text that is of a very high quality, colors and layouts that are easy on the eye, then you are half way there! Research has shown that more people buy from websites that are designed professionally and look trustworthy, rather than quickly made and badly thought out designs. So, you can see how important your web design really is now. There are many ways to improve your web design, both for free and by hiring someone else to do it for you. Which you choose will depend on your budget and your time frame. A busy web designer may not be able to fit you in for months. How you layout your website is also very important. You may have lots of great content on your website that people would love to read, but what if they can’t find it? If you haven’t clearly and easily lain out your website in the web design process, your readers won’t be able to click on any other pages. This could be disastrous if you are selling some kind of service or different products. All in all the web design aspect is only a small part of getting your website up and running, however, it is very important. When you are designing your website, remember to make it easy to navigate, concise and clear. If you are not familiar with web design and all the aspects that go into creating a website, it may be worth your while looking for a professional web designer or a pre made template. Web designers come with different price tags all depending on where you get them from and what you need doing. If you want a relatively simple design you will be looking at a fairly cheap price. If you are looking for a complex website with many features you can expect to pay a fair amount of money for it. A good designer will include you all throughout the process. You will be able to approve the website as many times until it is just right. Ready-made templates are great if you don’t have the budget for a professional designer and don’t have the time to learn how to create one from scratch. There are many free ones that you find on the Internet or ones that you can buy for a small amount of money.

If you need high quality VPS Hosting or FFMpeg Hosting with a guaranteed high uptime look no further.

Auto Update Adult Video Script ? Plz Help Plzz. . ?

hi, i need an auto update video script. . which can automatically get videos from youtube and other popular video websites. . i need to make an adult video site. . plzz help. . . also i want that script which can be put on hostgator hosting. . so take FFMPEG into account as well.
is there any video script that doesnt use ffmpeg ??
auto updating is must. . plzz let me know the name of the script or any download link. .
free is wat i want. .
plzz help me out. . pleeeeezzzz

Is There Another Way To Convert Video To Flv At Runtime Using Php?

I couldnt get the ffmpeg at all. I mean i really dont know how to install it.
And my webbased hosting doesnt have ffmpeg installed. Heres the thing, im doing backend or CMS for a client. So there would be video section on frontend. So the backend should have page where video can be uploaded. Unfortunately, when you upload flv file, it doesnt work. So it really needs to be converted as it is uploading. Just like in youtube. It doesnt matter if i need to program it in PHP and AJAX.
i did research regarding this and FFMPEG appears in most of the results. Ok i really dont get the instructions. Besides, even i got how to install it on my local pc. On my web-based hosting, it wouldnt be installed, because hosting companies who are talking to us like smart kids are totally idiot.
Now, are there any options besides ffmpeg?