Do you like it or not, you need a website in today's computer oriented world. Ten years ago, the move to the Internet was much more difficult and many saw it as useless. Now, most businesses start online, and some have not considered necessary to establish a traditional brick and mortar store. When designing a website, there are a number of decisions must be made, and each has a direct effect on how success will come.
Webmasters often wonder whether your site should be fully Flash animated or simple HTML / CSS. The design of systems have advantages and disadvantages. Animated Flash websites are very attractive to the eye, you can navigate in a unique and interesting information, and present in a dynamic and interactive. With a Flash site, users can examine products in detail, from all angles, and uplifting experience that can not be provided with HTML.
Incredible animations, of course, require visitors to look deeper into a site, and only get a client to recognize their product is half the battle. New technologies have enabled the Flash file to be compressed, which means that it takes time to load pages in Flash, as before.
However, for some slower connections may take some time "for each page to load. The main disadvantage of Flash is that the pages of this nature can not be performed by robots from search engines. Therefore, it is almost impossible to optimize them. From search engine optimization should be a goal for all websites, integration of Flash will not be considered complete. Most Web sites that use Flash are a combination of Flash and HTML components, like a Flash intro page that leads to the main page of HTML.
When it comes to design, much remains to be done, not only to decide what to do with Flash and HTML. With only pure HTML, hundreds of design options can be done. The table, the navigation pane, and bundles of main content, you should combine perfectly so that readers can easily find and eat what they are seeking. Frames should be avoided altogether, as unnecessary segment of a website and negatively affect search engine optimization.
The color scheme of a website should be carefully considered. The colors you choose and how you place the effects of moods and psychological evaluation of your business. Many web designers focus on the high color and understand the enormous importance of it, so if you are making a website that should at least consult a planner and seek their views on the matter.
If you are taking a web designer to create your website, there is still much work to do the last piece is the most effective way possible. Write what you want your website to be able to do, and what you expect from the website, such as sales, leads or opt-in. Be sure to identify keywords and keyword phrases for your target search engines, and projects may include those of the site for you. Take a couple of hours brainstorming about all aspects of the site, and to develop a detailed design for web designers to follow. To do this, and it's like they built the site.
Marketing decisions and coding of your website
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